Director and Head of Corporate Strategy
Steve has worked in the Global Finance and Commodity Industries for over 35 years, with significant experience in the physical, financial, and logistical aspects of these markets, with a particular focus on the energy and carbon sectors over the last twenty years. He has successfully executed transactions around the globe. Steve has a unique blend of experience and success in not only the trading aspects of these markets, but also how to combine all aspects of the chain, from structured finance, debt and capital raising, distribution and marketing strategies, and advisory positions.
This success and experience have been in widely varied roles, working for banks, public and private corporations, and government-owned institutions, proving that Steve has a strong ability and vision to adapt to the unique requirements of any institution in any market circumstance. He has a strong track record in turning businesses around and establishing a strong base for start-up businesses or institutions.
In the last twenty years, Steve has gained further stature as a senior executive, general management, and as a serving Board member, including Chairing a publicly listed company. Their success in turning a loss-making government-owned electricity retailer into a business producing profits of over $20 million, including a profitable increase of the corporate business of over 400% is a testament to his ability to lead large and diverse teams, work in an executive team, advise a Board through a significant ‘change management experience, whilst still producing strong growth and results for the business.
In recognition of these skills, Steve is a sought-after and regular speaker on innovative and cutting-edge risk management techniques, presenting to academic and corporate audiences. He is regarded as a knowledgeable and skilled presenter.
In essence, Steve brings a wide-ranging breadth of skill, knowledge, and experience to any team. Not only are the demonstrable and considerable contributions in his field of expertise, but he brings Board experience, executive leadership skills, and senior management experience, having served on Executive OH &S, Audit and regulatory committees, but also on Board Committees for Retail Strategies, Trading and Regulatory Compliance in regards to financial distribution.

Director and Head of Corporate Strategy
Steve has worked in the Global Finance and Commodity Industries for over 35 years, with significant experience in the physical, financial and logistical as aspects of these markets, with particular focus on the energy and carbon sectors over the last twenty years. He has successfully executed transactions around the globe.
Steve has a unique blend of experience and success in not only the trading aspects of these markets, but also how to combine all aspects of the chain, from structured finance, debt and capital raising, distribution and marketing strategies and advisory positions.
This success and experience has been in widely varied roles, working for banks, public and private corporations and government owned institutions, proving that Steve has a strong ability and vision to adapt to the unique requirements of any institution in any market circumstance. He has a strong track record in turning businesses around and establishing a strong base for start up businesses or institutions.
In the last twenty years, Steve has gained further stature in senior executive, general management and as a serving Board member, including Chairing a publicly listed company.
The success in turning a loss making government owned electricity retailer into a business producing profits of over $20 million, including a profitable increase of the corporate business of over 400% is testament to his ability to lead large and diverse teams, work in an executive team, advise a Board through a significant ‘change management’ experience, whilst still producing strong growth and results for the business.
In recognition of these skills, Steve is a sought after and regular speaker on innovative and cutting edge risk management techniques, presenting to academic and corporate audiences. He is regarded as a knowledgeable and skilled presenter.
In essence, Steve brings a wide ranging breadth of skill, knowledge and experience to any team. Not only are the demonstrable and considerable contributions in his field of expertise, he brings Board experience, executive leadership skills and senior management experience, having served on Executive OH &S, Audit and regulatory committees, but also on Board Committees for Retail Strategies, Trading and Regulatory Compliance in regards to financial distribution.